Marooned on an uncharted Planet, Kal wanders the savage wilderness on the edge of survival until he stumbles upon The Tribe living in a cave, near extinction and threatened by the local wildlife.
Kal instigates the technical and cultural birthing of the tiny people which takes off at a breathtaking pace. But there is another technological force at play on the strange planet, a relic of some past civilisation, or something more current?
“This is nothing less than a masterpiece. The breadth of imagination in this story leaves you hungry for the next page and on the edge of your seat as the characters face their perils and challenges . Moreton’s depiction of the technological awakening of The Tribe is compelling and brilliantly written” – SFC Editor.
“I was pretty impressed with this book, there is a relaxed and friendly voice and such an effortless manner that really draws you into this story.
The actual planet is reassuringly alien with some strange creatures and even stranger plants, all described in concise detail which comes across as being quite feasible; the overall feeling of being marooned on an alien planet is just great.”
4/5 Stars –