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A new Fantasy Novel by Kim Teilio (Into Dust) and A.C. Aerie (A Sun Going Down). This is a well crafted tale of a life in three parts as a facet in an infinite universe.

Availible in eBook or paperback as well as free to read with Kindle Unlimited.

These are the first three books in our new supernaural series. They all revolve loosely around the same world, and have a tendency towards the ‘paranormal romance’ genre.

The latest book in our paranormal series. It fits beautifully into the same world as The Wolf Inside Us and The Threads Which Bind us without the need to have read either in any paticular order.

We follow paranormal guidebook writer Ryan Malin as he explores the famous Hewitson Cottage alongside the strangely alluring Kelley Strannack.

Sinister goings-on unfold in this delightfully spooky tale.

If you’re a reviewer then don’t hesitate to get in touch for a free review copy.

The Wolf Inside us

Jake is a reclusive genius shut away in his penthouse apartment where he draws his award winning zombie comics. Kat is one of his biggest fans. She’s also his publisher’s office manager and each week gets to visit Jake to see his latest work.

The story touches on the crippling disabilities of agoraphobia and body dysmorphia. Kat is able to accept Jake for all he is, despite her distaste for his more commercial work. His other characters have made him a legend with Japanese pre-teen girls — and earned millions of pounds. But hey,  we all have to earn a living.

Over the years, Kat has developed a soft spot for Jake, so it’s not surprising that she’s completely thrown when he suddenly disappears. But stranger still, why did he leave a tiny puppy behind, all alone, and where did he get it?

Kat’s relationship grows from more than simple puppy love in this sensual werewolf romance where life throws all it has at this girl and her dog.

The Threads which Bind us

Anna’s life is coming unravelled. She’s skipping college, lost touch with her friends and can’t face her family. To cap it all, she wakes to find the ghost of a young man in her room — He has no memory of his past life nor any clue as to why he has appeared here.

In the beginning, she fights to get rid of him, but something about his glasslike sensuality fascinates her just as he is drawn towards the only person in his world that can hear him, see him, touch him.

What threads run through both their pasts to draw him back to the realm of the living?  As they uncover his secrets, Anna’s own tragic past surfaces.

If you think this is the kind of book you’re in to and you’re willing to provide an honest review then sign up for the opportunity to receive a FREE review copy of this book. You can also put yourself on the list for future releases.


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